Transparency in Coverage regulation requires self-funded (level funded groups included) employers to publish the link on a public site. If a self-funded group does not have a publicly available website, please discuss available options with legal counsel. UnitedHealthcare does not provide legal advice.
UnitedHealthcare’s standard approach is to post machine-readable files (MRFs) on a UnitedHealthcare publicly available website starting July 1, 2022. ASO groups must link to the MRFs by adding the link to their publicly available website.
To meet this requirement, MRFs will be posted monthly on This location is publicly available and accessible to all, and no authentication is required.
Beginning July 1 and monthly thereafter, the MRFs will appear on this site.
While these files are accessible to all, the file itself is large, written in JSON, which is a machine readable language, and not easily interpreted or searchable.